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DesiGN Books Author Templates 是一款Mac上精美的iBooks书籍制作模板合集,内含将近300个精美的iBook模板,通过iBooks Author就可以打开使用,值得收藏! 软件介绍 DesiGN Books Author Templates is a collection of over 290 compelling templates for Apple’s new application for book creation and publishing. Browse the wide range of designs to find the perfect look, add your text and images and publish your ...
Books Expert - Templates for iBooks Author 是一款Mac上的iBooks模板合集,内置的数十个精美的iBook模板,能够让我们快速的制作出精美的iBook电子书,很不错! 软件介绍 With the new, revolutionary iBooks Author app, anyone can create and publish great Multi-Touch books for iPad, including you. Alungu swiftly offers you an enhanced experience in book creation with 35 beautiful templates for iBooks Auth...