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2016年10月27日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 579字 ⁄ 阅读 1,518 次
Zoom It 是一款Mac上超好用的屏幕放大镜工具,简单易用,快捷键调用和关闭,支持从100%到500%的放大,圆形和方形等,很好用! [Zoom It 在 Mac App Store上售价18元] 软件介绍 Zoom It is an on-screen magnifier that’s always available to give you a closer look at whatever you’re doing on your Mac. The Zoom It magnifying loupe stays at your fingertips via simple keyboard shortcuts, but it never interferes w...
2016年06月24日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 557字 ⁄ 阅读 748 次
Computer Glasses 是一款Mac上实用的屏幕放大镜工具,可以设置放大的区域和倍数,简单实用,很不错! 软件介绍 Computer Glasses II lets you magnify a portion of the screen to read fine print or magnify an image. When you open Computer Glasses II, you see a smaller window (Control Panel) on the left and a larger window (Display Window) on the right. The Display Window displays a magnified view around ...