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2017年12月24日 生活辅助 ⁄ 共 602字 ⁄ 阅读 566 次
Baby Workout 是一款Mac上优秀的孕期锻炼软件,有效预防怀孕期间不必要的体重增加,提供了丰富的视频教程,用户可以跟着专业教练一起锻炼,让你随时随地都能锻炼,很不错! 软件介绍 Want to stay fit during your pregnancy or regain your previous weight and shape, together with your baby? – then you’re right here with this innovative app. Just follow your personal instructor along real-time video workouts e...
iMuscle 是一款Mac上的3D肌肉训练健身软件,具有多套肌肉健身3D图文教程,相当于请了一位肌肉健身“老师”,简单易用,通俗易懂,也可以作为教学工具,非常不错! [iMuscle 2 在 Mac App Store上售价30元] 软件介绍 iMuscle 2 provides users with the ability to zoom into an area on our 3D human body and tap on a muscle to reveal exercises and stretches targeted to the development and/or rehabilitation of that sp...