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Sound Forge 2 for Mac 2.0.2 破解版下载 – Mac 上专业的音频录制编辑工具

2014年11月08日 音频编辑 ⁄ 共 737字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,633 次

Sound Forge 2 LOGO
Sound Forge 2 是一款 Mac 上专业的音频录制、编辑、制作工具,支持高质量音频的处理,简单易用,可以导出为3G2, 3GP, AAC等几乎所有音频格式,24-bit/192 kHz 品质的音频,并且已经上架到 Mac App Store,今天和大家分享最新的2.0.2版本,完美支持 OS X 10.10 系统,非常专业的一款音频工具!

[Sound Forge 2 在 Mac App Store上售价648元]


Sound Forge 2 is perfect for recording, editing, processing, and rendering high-resolution, broadcast-quality audio master files. Gain fast access to an easy audio recording process, deep editing tools, 64-bit AU and VST plug-in compatibility with automation, and the audio hardware routing functionality that Sound Forge users expect. The world-class Sound Forge experience is completely at home in its second generation on the Mac.

版本 2.0.2 中的新功能
- Implemented various improvements to support OS X 10.10
- Metadata is now preserved when saving to Wave format.


Sound Forge 2 截图





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