Geometrix 是一款 Mac 上的几何绘图软件,使用圆规和一把尺子,我们可以用用铅笔或画笔绘制直线或圆,然后绘制出各种复杂的几何图形,很实用的一款数学教育工具。
[Geometrix 在 Mac App Store上售价6元]
Geometrix is a software that brings You the joy of geometrical drawing on Macintosh using compasses, a set square and a ruler: You won’t have any graduated rule nor a protractor, everything can be done with these two items.
With this software You can draw straight lines or circles using a pencil or a paint brush. When the drawing is finished, You could erase the paper pencil drafts leaving only the brush strokes.
A big number of examples of geometrical figures is given for imitation. You will find here some common geometrical exercises but also drawings of religious and philosophical symbols.
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