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MultiMarkdown Composer 2 for Mac 2.6.9 破解版下载 – Mac上优秀的文本写作工具

2014年08月05日 文本写作 ⁄ 共 725字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,314 次

MultiMarkdown Composer LOGO
应本站终身VIP会员「windfoxx」的在本站心愿单提出的心愿,和大家分享MultiMarkdown Composer这款软件,这是一款Mac 上支持MultiMarkdown语法的文本编辑器,用于快速高效的文本写作,支持语法高亮、HTML、主题切换等功能,非常不错的一款文本编辑工具!

[MultiMarkdown Composer 2 在 Mac App Store上售价78元]


MultiMarkdown Composer is a text editor that is designed from the ground up around the MultiMarkdown Syntax. It is designed to make writing in MultiMarkdown even easier than it already is, with automatic syntax highlighting, built in previews, easy export to any format that is supported by MultiMarkdown, and more!

By using an editor built around Markdown and MultiMarkdown, you can focus on the actual *writing*, rather than worrying about formatting and styles. Let the computer deal with that when you're ready to export your document to another format.


MultiMarkdown Composer 截图




  1. 头像 windfoxx 2014年08月15日 09:56  Δ-11楼

    謝謝萬能的站長 會一直繼續支持下去的!!


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