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Essential Anatomy 4 for Mac 4.0 破解版下载 – Mac上强大的3D解剖图学习参考工具

2014年07月12日 医学参考 ⁄ 共 1154字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 4,619 次

Essential Anatomy 4 LOGO
今天和大家分享Mac上强大的医学软件:Essential Anatomy 4,中文为[基本解剖学], 强大的3D解剖图学习参考工具,也是一款难得的学习解剖学的工具,完全3D的画面,包含了人体的骨骼、肌肉、结缔组织、静脉、动脉、神经、淋巴、大脑和心脏等等,医学专业及其相关工作的人必须收藏的一款软件!

[Essential Anatomy 4 在 Mac App Store上售价228元]


Essential Anatomy 4 now includes both the skin and male reproductive system, making the male anatomical model complete. This app represents the latest in groundbreaking 3D technology and innovative design. A cutting edge 3D graphics engine, custom built by 3D4Medical from the ground up, powers a highly-detailed anatomical model and delivers outstanding quality graphics that no other competitor can achieve.

--New 3D technology via 3D4Medical's latest graphics engine
--Over 4,100 highly detailed anatomical structures
--Multiple Selection Mode - Hide/Fade/Isolate individual or multiple structures
--Pin feature: Create customized pins with notes and place anywhere on the 3D model
--Slice tool: Slice through certain structures using 3D plane tool
--Preset and customizable Bookmarks
--Correct audio pronunciation and Latin nomenclature for every structure
--User friendly and intuitive interface
--Search by English or Latin nomenclature
--Dynamic quiz function - Drag and Drop and Multi-choice
--Social media tools and sharing capability


Essential Anatomy 4 截图




  1. 头像 noodles 2015年02月16日 23:08  Δ-11楼


  2. 头像 idyl 2014年10月20日 13:05  Δ-10楼


  3. 头像 kpfzboekbof 2014年10月08日 00:06  Δ-9楼



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