今天和大家分享最新的 Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.1.10 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上优秀易用的相册智能排版工具,SmartAlbums 具有强大的排版自定义功能,能够让你设计出各种精美的相册,专业并且简单易用,支持批量导入图片,导出为JPG或PDF格式,可以为每张图片单独设置位置和样式,切换到不同的模板中进行预览,非常不错!
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.