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Drifting Lands 漂流的土地 for Mac 原生破解版下载 – 好玩的飞行射击游戏

2017年09月09日 游戏 ⁄ 共 760字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,605 次

Drifting Lands LOGO
Drifting Lands 【漂流的土地】 是一款Mac上好玩的飞行射击游戏,是由Alkemi制作发行的一款横版射击游戏,游戏画风唯美,采用随机生成的关卡,玩家可以驾驶不同的战机作战,击毁敌人可以掉落不同品质装备,通过这些装备可以改造你的战机,搭配各种炫酷的技能,打造强大的空中部队,很好玩的一款飞行射击游戏!


That's what is Drifting Lands in essence: first and foremost an action-RPG (Hack'n'Slash or however you may call this). Then and only then a different kind of shoot'em'up, accessible to a wider audience than usual.
Drifting Lands main characteristics are:
randomy generated missions for replayability
100 levels of difficulty to climb with your skill or your ability to optimize your gear and powers
70 active and passive powers with various effects: dash, area of effect attacks, time control, etc.
a complex item generation system with a lot of stat modifiers to optimize, unique items with "game changer" powers
3 classes of ships for different profiles of players
Not your usual bland heroic fantasy universe


Drifting Lands 截图
Drifting Lands 截图




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