SonicWeb Internet Radio Player 是一款Mac上优秀的网络电台,可以让我们在mac电脑上收听到全球各地的音乐电台的音乐,并且能够将音乐录制下来,很不错!
[SonicWeb Internet Radio Player 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]
SonicWeb is an advanced multi radio station recording internet radio player.
=== Discover new music ===
Tunein to more than two thousand free, hand selected, high quality internet radio stations or add your own radio stations.
=== Fully featured internet radio player ===
Browse popular and recommended radio stations, set favorites, filter by genre or bitrate and search by name.
=== Advanced internet radio recorder ===
Record multiple stations simultaneously.
Record continuously or automatically split the internet radio streams into tracks and put them into a playlist.
Timeshift internet radio: pause and resume playback at any time without any gaps.
=== Custom playlists ===
Create custom playlists from the tracks you like. Keep the tracks as long as you want and play them as many times as you like.