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Notebooks for Mac 1.3.1 破解版下载 – 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具

2016年06月25日 文本写作, 文档处理 ⁄ 共 1100字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,481 次

Notebooks LOGO
Notebooks 是一款Mac上文档管理、文本编写和日程备忘工具,今天和大家分享最新的1.3.1版本,全称【Notebooks - Write Documents, Manage Tasks, Organize Files】,集成了编写文档、日程任务管理、文档文件管理三个功能,其中文档编写支持纯文本、HTML文本和Markdown文本等,支持统一管理常见的文档文件,如text, PDF, web pages, MS Office documents等,非常实用的一款工具!
[Notebooks 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]


Notebooks allows you to create as many books as you need to write, store and structure your details of life, and it will quickly become the one and only repository for all journals, ideas, notes, drafts, stories and diaries but also for your projects, task lists, documents, files and everything else you want to keep close at hand.

Use Notebooks to create carefully formatted documents with styles and embedded photos, or to quickly write plain text notes. Convert between these formats any time, and if you want to use Markdown, Notebooks knows how to handle that as well. It is a perfect, distraction free writing environment.

Notebooks stores and displays almost any type of document: plain text and formatted text, PDF, web pages, MS Office documents, photos, videos, music and much more. Everything you want to keep organized can go directly into Notebooks.


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