今天和大家分享 Dash 7.3.0 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上开发者必备的API文档下载和浏览搜索工具,包括200多种语言的开发参考文档,非常好用,可以让我们集中管理API文档,包括离线下载、搜索、查阅,包括各种主流的编程语言和框架,如iOS,Cocos2D, Java,Swift,PHP,CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, Lua, 不需要我们再去到处下载 API 文档,Dash 已经自动集成了,并支持集成到XCode、Alfred、IDEA等软件中,非常的强大!
Dash comes with 200+ offline documentation sets. You can choose which documentation sets to download and Dash will take care of the rest, making sure they are kept up to date. You can also generate your own docsets, request docsets or download docsets from third-party sources.
Listed below are all the various documentation sets Dash comes with. The most popular ones are highlighted. All documentation sets have been generated and are maintained with the utmost care.