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UltraCompare 23 for Mac 破解版下载 – 强大的文件内容比较工具

2023年06月13日 M芯片转, 文档处理 ⁄ 共 779字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,444 次

UltraCompare LOGO
今天和大家分享 UltraCompare 23 for Mac 版本,知名软件UltraEdit的「兄弟」软件,UltraCompare 是一款Mac上强大的文件比较和合并工具,类似 Beyond Compare等软件,它能够为用户进行二进制文本、文件夹和文本等多种内容进行文件对比,功能非常的强大,简单易用,很不错!


UltraCompare rapidly compares 2 or 3 files from multiple locations at once, and merge conflicts and differences visually. Quickly launch a compare by drag-and-drop into the application, from the File Explorer context menu, or even via the command line.

Whether you prefer a darker look, or a more classic white-based skin, UltraCompare's interface is completely themeable, and comes with several themes hand crafted at IDM. If you design a theme you'd like to share with the rest of our users, send us a pull request on GitHub, or simply email it to our support team.

UltraCompare's special document handling makes it easy to compare Word and PDF files. Just open them in your session as you would any other file, and let us take care of the rest.


UltraCompare 截图




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