今天和大家分享最新的 Little Snitch 5.5 for Mac 版本,支持目前最新的 macOS Ventura 13 系统。Little Snitch 中文名【小飞贼】,是一款Mac上强大易用的防火墙工具,Little Snitch 除了保护我们的隐私数据外,另一个大作用就是监控软件的网络连接,Little Snitch 可以监控和阻止特定软件的网络连接,例如当你启动Evernote时,Little Snitch会通过弹出窗口提醒用户是否允许其网络连接,能够保护用户的隐私数据,非常的有用!
Little Snitch gives you control over your private outgoing data.
Track background activity
As soon as your computer connects to the Internet, applications often have permission to send any information wherever they need to. Little Snitch takes note of this activity and allows you to decide for yourself what happens with this data.