今天和大家分享最新的 iShowU Studio 2.3.5 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上强大易用的桌面和摄像头录像工具,支持桌面录像、摄像头录像等,并且能够帮助我们在Mac电脑上进行屏幕录像并对屏幕录像进行后期编辑处理,比如制作视频教程,录制完成后能够按需对录制的视频教程进行编辑:添加指定文字内容、添加图标注释等,很不错!
It's easy to add text, annotations, transitions, pointers and highlights and then share your result. Features you've come to expect in the iShowU "series" have been supercharged: screen & camera recording, mouse highlighting and keyboard animations take on a new lease of life now that you can edit when and how they appear. Did we mention we've reworked uploading too? Take the best realtime capture, then mix in world class editing - and voila, that's iShowU Studio 2!