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Find Any File 2.3 for Mac 破解版下载 – 实用的文件搜索增强工具

2021年03月01日 M芯片转, 系统增强 ⁄ 共 707字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 744 次

Find Any File LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Find Any File 2.3 for Mac 版本,支持目前最新的 macOS Big Sur 11 系统,这是一款Mac上实用的文件搜索增强工具,相比 Mac 系统自带的搜索功能,Find Any File 提供了更为强大的搜索功能,如隐藏文件搜索、直接全屏搜索、文件大小、时间等等,而站长使用这款软件是因为支持 NTFS 分区的搜索,因为 Mac 默认不支持搜索 NTFS 分区,这样在搜索移动硬盘上的文件的时候很不方便,而Find Any File可以做到,并且搜索速度很快,非常不错!


Find Any File (FAF) is the perfect tool for these tasks. You can even search on disks that are not indexed by Spotlight, including server volumes.

Find Any File can find files that Spotlight doesn't, e.g. those inside bundles and packages, and inside system folders that are usually excluded from Spotlight search.

Contrary to Spotlight, it does not use a database but instead searches the data on disk directly. This lets you search for file properties such as name, creation and modification dates and size. Not text inside files, though, see note below.


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