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Cisdem Video Converter 5.4.0 for Mac 破解版下载 – 视频格式转换和在线视频下载工具

2020年05月17日 视频转换 ⁄ 共 769字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 900 次

Cisdem Video Converter LOGO
Cisdem Video Converter 是一款Mac上支持网页在线视频下载、视频上传、视频格式转换、DVD视频提取等功能于一体的软件,今天和大家分享 5.4 版本,软件支持绝大部分常见视频和音频格式,转换为适合iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, iPod Touch等设备直接播放的视频,还支持编辑iMovie, iDVD, Final Cut Pro导出的编辑格式,很不错!


Cisdem Video Converter is a great video converting tool gives you everything you need to download and convert videos for mainstream devices. It can let you convert any video, audio files (including downloaded online videos) for your iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, iPod Touch, computer, Mobile Phone, or for editing software re-editing: iMovie, iDVD, Final Cut Pro, and many others!

Cisdem Video Converter is the fastest and easiest way to convert all your movies for your devices.

Cisdem Video Converter is easy to use on video converting, no settings and no technical knowledge required. It just three simple steps to convert your videos in mins, all converted videos keep great output quality.


Cisdem Video Converter 截图




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