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Taskly 2.1.0 for Mac 破解版下载 – 优秀的任务计划管理工具

2020年03月16日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 570字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 891 次

Taskly LOGO
Taskly 是一款Mac上优秀的任务计划管理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 2.1.0 版本,简单易用,可以在菜单栏上快速调用,添加和查看任务,支持定时和计时器,界面很漂亮,很不错的一款任务管理工具!


Taskly lives in your Menu Bar and helps you Get. It. Done.
Allocate time for your daily tasks with Tasklys simple and intuitive UI.
Start your productive day by writing the tasks you ought to do.
Set the duration you want to spend on each of your tasks throughout the day.
Hit play and start accomplishing your tasks.
The active task will be visible in your Menu Bar with a countdown to keep you focused on what to do and how much time's left to do it. Add as many tasks as you want and play and pause them as you like, but make sure you complete them all before the day is over.


Taskly 截图




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