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Movavi Photo Editor 6.2 for Mac 中文破解版下载 – Mac上的美图秀秀

2020年02月28日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 618字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,350 次

Movavi Photo Editor 6 LOGO
今天和大家分享 Movavi Photo Editor 6.2 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上优秀的图片编辑工具,类似Windows上面的美图秀秀等软件,简单易用,支持BMP, DPX, EXR, GIF (not animated), JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG 2000, PBM, PAM, PGM, PCX, PIC, PGMYUV, PNG等图片格式,支持繁体中文界面,很不错!


If you’re wondering how to edit photos on your Mac without the hassle of other programs, give this neat little app a try. The clear and simple interface, automatic quality improvements, and smart selection options make photo processing fun! Experiment with backgrounds, delete unwanted objects, apply digital makeup, add filters and textures, tweak parameters using color-coded sliders, straighten, crop and flip frames. Need more disc space on your Macintosh? Scale photos down to reduce their file size.


Movavi Photo Editor 6 截图




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