今天和大家分享最新的 JProfiler 11.1.1 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上强大的Java程序性能分析工具,JProfiler 可以帮助开发者分析Java应用的性能,解决线程、内存泄露的问题,支持的 IDE 包括:Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij IDEA, JBuiler 以及 JDeveloper等,很不错!
JProfiler's intuitive UI helps you resolve performance bottlenecks,pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues.
When you profile, you need the most powerful tool you can get. At the same time, you do not want to spend time learning how to use the tool. JProfiler is just that: simple and powerful at the same time. Configuring sessions is straight-forward, third party integrations make getting started a breeze and profiling data is presented in a natural way. On all levels, JProfiler has been carefully designed to help you get started with solving your problems.