今天和大家分享 Archiver 3.0.9 for Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上优秀的压缩解压缩工具,支持所有常见的压缩格式,具有压缩包加密、分卷压缩、压缩包内图片和音乐优化、压缩包内容预览等功能,支持拖拽压缩/解压缩,尤其是能够自动优化压缩图片和音乐类型的文件,软件的界面UI也非常的漂亮,支持所有常见的压缩格式,非常的强大!
Archiver is a powerful, feature-rich archiving utility for the Mac to open archives, compress files, as well as split and combine files.
Zip & WinZip .zip
RAR & WinRAR .rar .r00 ....
7zip .7z .7z.001 .7z.002 ....
StuffIt .sit .sitx
StuffIt Expander .sea
Tar .tar
Tar Gzip .tar.gz .tgz
Tar Bzip2 .tar.bz2 .tbz
Tar Z .tar.Z
CPIO .cpio
Package .pkg
Archiver .archiver
XAR .xar
ARJ .arj
Linux RPM .rpm
CAB .cab
LhA .lha .lzh
BinHex .hqx
MacBinary .bin .macbin
PAX .pax
HA archive .ha
Debian Package .deb
Amiga disk file .adf .adz
Amiga DMS .dms
Amiga LhF .f .F
Amiga LZX .lzx
Amiga DCS .dcs
Amiga PackDev .pkd
Amiga xMash .xms
Amiga Zoom .zom
ZIPx .zipx
Web Archive .war