今天和大家分享最新的 TurboCAD Pro 11 for Mac 版本,支持最新的 macOS Catalina 10.15 系统,TurboCAD 具有专业级别的二维制图工具,三维建模工具,具有40 多种直线、弧线、曲线及样条工具,简单易用,相比AutoCAD提供了更为强大的功能,并且对硬件配置的要求较低,非常优秀的一款CAD软件。
TurboCAD Mac Pro delivers unparalleled value and productivity in a professional 2D/3D CAD package with fully integrated 2D drafting tools, 3D surface and ACIS® solid modeling tools, assembly tools, advanced architectural tools, powerful LightWorks photorealistic rendering, new 3D printing features, and extensive file support.