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Cinema Grade 1.1.3 for Mac 破解版下载 – 专业的视频色彩调整校正工具

2020年01月10日 视频编辑 ⁄ 共 525字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,117 次

Cinema Grade LOGO
Cinema Grade 是一款Mac上专业的视频色彩调整校正工具,支持 Adobe Premiere Pro CC, DaVinci Resolve 15 ,Final Cut Pro X 10.4 等软件,还有60个内置预置的灵感来自好莱坞电影,支持浏览自己的LUTs,很好用的一款视频调色工具!


Cinema Grade is a modern NEW color corrector built from the ground up. It runs as a standalone application and allows you for the first time to reach in and touch your images and grade them directly in your viewer. Kind of like painting or sketching! Cinema Grade works with Adobe Premiere Pro CC, DaVinci Resolve 15 and Final Cut Pro X 10.4 on Mac by utilizing a plugin. here are also 60 built-in presets inspired by Hollywood films AND you can browse your own LUTs!


Cinema Grade 截图




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