Art Text 3 是一款Mac上优秀的艺术文字和图标海报设计工具,今天和大家分享最新的 3.2.6 版本,内置了大量的背景纹理和特效,能够让我们非常快速的制作出漂亮的图标、海报或者艺术字体,相比专业的PS,Art Text可以说是「傻瓜式」操作,无需学习即可上手,只需要简单的几步就可以制作出专业的PS需要复杂的操作才能生成的效果,非常好用!
Art Text is an app for Mac to create logos, mockups, badges and flyers. Moreover, Art Text can help to decorate any work with stunning design elements, such as icons and buttons, social headers and captions, word art and 3D text. Both professional designers and amateurs will be amazed by the selection of tools and diverse content collections, all in a slick and intuitive interface.