Cartoon Animator 4 是一款Mac上优秀的优秀的2D卡通动画制作工具,原名是 CrazyTalk Animator,这是一款非常简单易用的2D动画软件,简单的几步骤就可以让照片、图片开口说话和跳舞,让动画制作变得so easy功能强大,简单易用,很不错!
Cartoon Animator 4 (formerly known as CrazyTalk Animator) is a 2D animation software designed for both ability of entry and productivity. You can turn images to animated characters, control characters with your expressions, generate lipsync animation from audio, accomplish 3d parallax scenes, produce 2D visual effects, access content resources, and wield a comprehensive photoshop pipeline to rapidly customize characters and create content.