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Winclone Pro for Mac 7.3.3 破解版下载 – 实用的Windows双系统一键备份还原工具

2019年04月26日 数据备份 ⁄ 共 1170字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,301 次

Winclone LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Winclone Pro 7.3.3 Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上强大易用的Windows分区备份还原工具,类似于Windows上的一键Ghost,能够将 PC 上的 Windows 系统克隆到 Mac 上的Boot Camp分区中,方便从 PC 到 Mac 的迁移,此外,还支持备份Windows分区,还原 Windows 分区,支持 Windows 7/8/8.1/10等系统,简单易用,非常不错的一款软件!


Winclone 7 is a complete solution for cloning, migrating, and deploying Boot Camp. The new incremental backup feature provides incremental snapshots of the entire Boot Camp partition, ready for retrieval of earlier versions or deleted data.

New Features in Winclone 7

▪ New and improved user interface
▪ Incremental cloning
▪ Customized packaged deployment
▪ Import standard WIM images from Windows install media
▪ Automatic Windows naming during package deployment
▪ Automatic user creation during package deployment
▪ Automatic configuration of first startup during package deployment
▪ Automatic installation of Boot Camp drivers during first startup during package deployment
▪ Detection of different editions in WIM-based images
▪ Support for WindowsPE image booting for enterprise integration with Microsoft MDT and SCCM
▪ Ability to set a Boot Camp partition as WinPE bootable using customized BCD
▪ Better feedback during cloning operations
▪ Automatic configuration and installation of unattend.xml during deployment for Sysprep configuration
▪ Unified logging
▪ Customized package installer pane for better log viewing


Winclone Pro 7 截图




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