今天和大家分享最新的 LRTimelapse Pro for Mac 5.2 版本,增加了大量新的功能,这是一款Mac上专业的延时摄影渲染工具,LRTimelapse具有高清输出、简单易用、无缝转换等特点,并且可以和Adobe Camera Raw、AdobeLightroom 和Adobe After Effects 等软件完美配合使用,非常强大的一款延迟摄影工具!
LRTimelapse 4 provides the most comprehensive solution for time lapse editing, keyframing, grading and rendering. No matter if on Windows or Mac, no matter which Camera you use: LRTimelapse will take your time lapse results to the next level.
LRTimelapse is being used by most known time lapse producers and many amateurs. It allows keyframing and grading of time lapse sequences in an all-RAW-file-based workflow, utilizing the Adobe Camera RAW develop engine implemented in Lightroom (Versions 3, 4, 5 and 6) and Adobe Camera Raw.