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Quiver for Mac 3.2.2 破解版下载 – 优秀的开发代码笔记软件

2018年12月10日 文本写作 ⁄ 共 852字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 925 次

Quiver 2 LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Quiver for Mac 3.2.2 版本,支持最新的 macOS Mojave 10.14 系统,支持深色模式,Quiver是一款 Mac 上非常适合开发者使用的笔记软件,支持混合书写文本、代码、Markdown标记等,方便程序员记录笔记和代码片段,并提供全文搜索功能,类似印象笔记的左中右三栏布局,非常不错的一款文本编辑器。


Quiver is a notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX cells, and find any note instantly via the full-text search.

# Mix Text, Code, Markdown and LaTeX

A note in Quiver is comprised of cells --- snippets of text, code, Markdown, LaTeX (via MathJax) or diagrams (sequence diagram, flowchart). You can freely mix different cell types within one note. You can set different languages for different code cells, too.

# An Awesome Code Editor

The programmer's notebook should make code editing effortless. Quiver packs the awesome ACE code editor in code cells, with syntax highlighting support for more than 120 languages, over 20 themes, automatic indent and outdent, and much more.


Quiver 2 截图




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