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IconKit 10.1 for Mac 破解版下载 – 多分辨率图标快速生成工具

2018年11月28日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 820字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,323 次

IconKit LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 IconKit 10.1 for Mac 版本,支持最新的Xcode 10 和 macOS Mojave 10.14 新系统,IconKit是一款Mac上实用的多分辨率图标快速生成工具,主要用于帮助iOS开发者快速的生成不同分辨率图标,你只需要用一张制作好的1024*1024像素的图片,直接生成符合iPhone、iPad以及Retina分辨率的图标,省去你手动缩放图标的时间,非常实用的开发辅助工具。


Do you want to include all of your app icons at the correct sizes without having to resize every single one manually? Are you tired of confusing apps?

IconKit brings you a great new experience of icon generator for developers and designers, just drag your image and export right away!

• Export icons for iOS, watchOS, CarPlay, iMessage and macOS applications
• Support for Android mipmap and drawable icon sets
• Preview your icons before export
• Preview macOS icons on the Dock!
• Tired of assigning every single icon in Xcode? Generate AppIcon.appiconset including properly formatted JSON file for Asset Catalogs
• Convert @2x or @3x icons to 1x scale factor with a tiny tool called ScaleReducer right on your status bar!


IconKit 截图




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