今天和大家分享最新的 BusyCal 3.5 版本,支持最新的 macOS Mojave 10.14 系统,支持深色模式,BusyCal 是一款Mac上强大的任务日程日历工具,支持中国节假日、可自定义的日历视图、滚动的月和周视图、集成的信息面板、自定义字体大小和样式及图片、实时的天气馈送和月相以及和菜单栏应用程等,可以和BusyContacts配合使用,非常的不错!
BusyCal is an award-winning desktop calendar that combines personal productivity features for individuals with powerful calendar sharing capabilities for families and workgroups. Its unique features include a non-modal Info Panel for easier data entry; To Dos that display in the calendar and auto-forward until completed; repeating To Dos; customizable calendar views including a List view and scrolling Month and Week views; adjustable font styles and sizes, live weather feeds, moon phases, graphics, sticky notes and more. And when you first launch BusyCal, all of your iCal data is instantly imported.