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Artistry Photo Pro 3 for Mac 3.0.1 破解版下载 – 优秀的图片特效滤镜工具

2018年10月23日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 638字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 562 次

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Artistry Photo Pro 是一款Mac上优秀的图片特效滤镜工具,今天和大家分享最新的 3.0 版本,Artistry Photo 内置了上百种图片特效滤镜,简单易用,很不错!


Uncover the hidden potential in your photos with this powerful photo editor. With 100+ effects built-in, over 90 adjustment types to adjust your photos from color manipulation to gamma and tone curve adjustments, our editing tools give users the ability to apply an effect or multiple effects to the entire photo. And with our brush feature, users can change just one part of a photo with an adjustment. For example, users can easily make the entire sky in their photo become more vibrant. Final images are at the same output quality as Photoshop. Artistry Photo Pro can be used to enhance a professional photographers photos or just yours and my photos.


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