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Cornerstone for Mac 4.1 破解版下载 – 强大的SVN客户端

2018年09月01日 开发环境 ⁄ 共 877字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 15,306 次

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今天和大家分享最新的 Cornerstone 4.1 Mac 版本,这是当前Mac上最好用的SVN客户端,Cornerstone除了支持基本的SVN功能外,还能够和Xcode,BBEdit,TextMate,Coda等开发工具无缝的集成使用,其时间线功能能够非常方便的查看一个文件的历史改动情况,具有强大的合并、比较功能,非常强大!


Powerful version control with a gorgeous interface, Cornerstone delivers everything you need to compare, review and share your project, all in one app.

Cornerstone is a version control app built on Subversion that makes serious version control easier than ever. With full support for all of Subversion's rich features, it's both incredibly powerful and super-easy to use.

• Streamlined workflow for previewing your changes before committing them.
• Super-helpful checklist and preview take the guesswork out of Merging.
• Class-leading text comparison and editing so you'll never miss a change.
• Ingenious annotations that tell you the Who? Why? and When? of every piece of your files.
• Log and Timeline views make navigating your project's history a breeze.
• Zero configuration: everything you need is included in the app.


Cornerstone 截图




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