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Complete Anatomy 2019 for Mac 4.0.1 完全内购破解版下载 – 强大的3D医学人体模型

2018年09月20日 医学参考 ⁄ 共 1361字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 8,647 次

Complete Anatomy LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Complete Anatomy 2019 for Mac 版本,已经解锁所有功能,Complete Anatomy是一款Mac上强大的3D医学人体模型,包含最精确和完整的人体解剖模型,超过13000个交互结构,是医学相关学习或工作者必备的一款工具,很强大!


The world’s most accurate, most advanced and best-selling 3D anatomy platform takes another giant leap forward, with groundbreaking new technology, models and content. Not just an atlas, but an anatomy learning platform with unique collaboration and learning tools.

Used by 200 of the world’s top universities, including 6 US Ivy League schools, 20 of the world’s top 25 ranked medical schools, 7 of the top 10 largest US public universities and 9 of the 10 top-rated UK universities.

Experience the BEST anatomy application available today:
* THE MOST ACCURATE AND COMPLETE human anatomy models, over 13,000 interactive structures. Now includes a living, beating, dissectible human heart in full 3D
* Real time Muscle Movement, Insertion & Origin Mapping, Bony Surface & Landmark Mapping, 12 layered Systems, Nerve Tracer, Blood Supply Tracer, Micro-Anatomy Models, and now over 1,000 Video animations (Plus, Pro & Educator licenses)
* Creative tools including virtual dissection, 3D pen, fracture, pain & growth simulation
* Model customization with custom labels, pen tool & image import
* Complete Courses, delivered by leading experts in Human Anatomy, Point of Care Ultrasound, Cadaveric Imagery, Clinical Correlates & more
* Clinical animations on Cardiology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Dentistry & Fitness
* Educator tools with Drag & Drop Curriculum, lecture recording & student dashboard


Complete Anatomy 截图
Complete Anatomy 截图






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