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TeaCode for Mac 1.0 破解版下载 – 实用的代码编写加速输入工具

2018年07月03日 开发环境, 开发辅助 ⁄ 共 854字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,019 次

TeaCode LOGO
TeaCode 是一款Mac上实用的代码编写加速输入工具,这款软件可以帮助开发者提高代码编写速度,通过快速的文本替换提高效率,支持多种语言,内置了多种替换规则,非常不错!


TeaCode speeds up your code writing with a powerful variable-based language. The app comes with over 80 built-in expanders. Creating new ones is extremely easy, and it works with almost any editor. No matter what programming language do we use, we always write lots of code. TeaCode writes it with you. Quickly.

  • Focus on your code: Just write your code pattern, press TeaCode shortcut and keep writing your code.
  • Any text editor: TeaCode works with probably all the native macOS text editors. For non-native ones, we’ve already made some plugins.
  • 80+ built-in expanders: TeaCode comes with 70+ built-in expanders. For Swift, PHP, and HTML.
  • Create your own expanders: t's very easy. Create them once and write your code faster.
  • Export: You can export your bundle of expanders and share with others.
  • Quick browser: Need to access expander syntax quickly? Or to quickly find one? Press ⌘+⇧+space and start typing.


TeaCode 截图




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