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Posters DesiGN – Templates for Mac 3.0 中文破解版下载 – 优秀的Pages模板合集

2018年07月14日 办公软件 ⁄ 共 686字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 898 次

Posters Templates for Pages LOGO
Posters DesiGN - Templates 是一款Mac上的Pages模板合集,包含多达300多个高质量的Pages模板,支持模板自定义,很不错!


Posters DesiGN - Templates is a collection of over 300 original templates of the highest quality, created to lend a unique look to your promo material. Whether you’re trying to hype up a cool new product, starting a season sale, or announcing a mind-blowing event, Graphic Node’s posters will help you make sure your promotion is sophisticated and effective.

Every object in Posters DesiGN - Templates can be easily recolored, reshaped, moved, or removed. Type or paste your own text, add or remove text boxes, and change the font if you want to. Add your photos and pictures to replace the stock images. Every design, from minimalistic black-and-white layouts to cute pastel ads, features great creativity and usability.


Posters DesiGN 截图




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