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AudFree Audio Capture for Mac 1.0 破解版下载 – 优秀的音频录音工具

2018年07月09日 音频编辑 ⁄ 共 638字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,005 次

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AudFree Audio Capture 是一款Mac上优秀的音频录音工具,支持录制浏览器或iTunes等音乐播放器中的音频,比如 Pandora, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, BBC等,简单易用,很不错!


As a powerful Mac music capture, AudFree Audio Capture for Mac brings a full set of flexible and enriched methods to fulfill all your needs in recording any sound from any source with no quality loss.

No matter what types of music you are playing on Mac, whether they are streaming music/online radios play in browers like Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or within the apps like Pandora, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, BBC, Lastfm, or they are local songs, games, movies being played by QuickTime, VLC or other programs, AudFree Audio Capture for Mac will easily record all the audios while maintaining the original sound quality.


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