今天和大家分享最新的 MAMP Pro 4.5 Mac 版本,MAMP 代表Mac、Apache、MySQL和PHP,类似于Windows上面的WAMP、Linux上面的LAMP,可以在Mac上一键安装Apache/PHP/MySQL/Nginx/Postfix等开发环境,节省大量下载和安装配置的时间,简单方便,并且可以集中管理和调整运行环境,支持PHP多版本切换、Imagemagick图形处理工具、动态DNS、虚拟服务器、phpMyAdmin等等工具,还支持一键安装WordPress, Joomla, Drupal等开源应用,非常的强大,是Mac程序员开发必备的一款软件!
MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for OS X. That is, the freely available standard version is automatically installed with MAMP PRO. With MAMP PRO comes all the functionality of MAMP including MySQL, Apache, PHP, Perl, and Python.
MAMP 4 brings even more opportunities for web developers. We are now supporting MySQL 5.6 and Nginx is now fully integrated. Server starting times have been improved.