苹果在WWDC上正式发布了新macOS系统:macOS Mojave 10.14 ,新系统增加了大量新的特性,包括酷炫的系统级别的黑暗模式、动态桌面、桌面文件自动整理文件堆、画廊视图、预览编辑、截图录像功能升级、更严格的隐私保护等等新功能,对于站长来说,最好用的功能是黑暗模式功能,可以说非常值得期待和升级了,目前苹果提供了开发者测试版本,想要现在就体验的用户可以安装此版本进行体验新系统了!
sing a Mac has always inspired great work. Now macOS Mojave brings new features inspired by its most powerful users, but designed for everyone. Stay better focused on your work in Dark Mode. Automatically organize files using Stacks. Take more kinds of screenshots with less effort. Try four handy new built-in apps, and discover great new ones in the redesigned Mac App Store. Now you can get more out of every click.
下载安装macOSDeveloperBetaAccessUtility后,就可以直接在Mac App Store中安装 macOS Mojave 10.14 Beta 了。