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Dropzone 3.6.8 for Mac 破解版下载 – 实用的文件拖拽和快速启动工具

2018年06月29日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 704字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 576 次

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今天和大家分享最新的 Dropzone 3.6.8 Mac 版本,这是一款Mac上的文件拖拽操作增强和快速启动工具,这款软件可以让我们把大部分工作都通过拖拽来完成,比如保存文本、发送邮件、FTP上传、打开应用等等,只需要将文件拖拽到菜单栏上的窗口中即可,并且我们完全可以定制化这些操作,可以在官网上下载定制好的各种动作,还支持快速启动应用和打开目录,非常的不错。


Dropzone makes it faster and easier to copy and move files, open applications and share files with many different services.

Dropzone 3 is a unique and amazing app that's like nothing you've ever used before.
We've paid fanatical attention to every detail and built an app that looks and feels like an integral part of OS X.

Dropzone ships with a powerful scripting API and with a little programming knowledge you can modify any of your actions or even create entirely new ones. This gives Dropzone unlimited extendability and utility. We're always thinking up new actions so Dropzone will become even more useful over time.


Dropzone 截图




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