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Electroacoustics Toolbox for Mac 3.8.5 破解版下载 – 优秀的音频测量与频谱分析工具

2018年05月10日 音频编辑 ⁄ 共 758字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,081 次

Electroacoustics Toolbox LOGO
Electroacoustics Toolbox 是一款Mac上优秀的音频测量与频谱分析工具,是一种模块化、多通道动态信号分析仪和数据采集平台。它为Mac平台的多通道、音频频带数据采集、电声、电声信号和系统的实时分析提供了强大的新工具。它能精确测量声音的数量,如等效和时间加权的声音水平,以及声学和电声系统, 很强大!


Electroacoustics Toolbox is a modularized, multi-channel dynamic signal analyzer and data acquisition platform. It brings powerful new tools to the Macintosh platform for multi-channel, audio-band data acquisition and real-time analysis of electrical, acoustical, and electroacoustic signals and systems. It enables precise measurements of acoustic quantities, such as equivalent and time-weighted sound levels, as well as acoustic and electroacoustic systems, such as listening rooms and loudspeakers. The software is designed to work with any Mac-compatible audio hardware and supports multiple channels of 8, 16, 24, or 32-bit data with sample rates as high as the hardware will support.


Electroacoustics Toolbox 截图




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