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Redshift Premium – Astronomy for Mac 破解版下载 – 专业的天文观测软件

2018年04月19日 物理化学 ⁄ 共 875字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,436 次

Redshift Premium LOGO
Redshift Premium - Astronomy 是一款Mac上专业的天文观测软件,以无比清晰的视角观察夜空,穿越我们的银河系和更远的地方,从近距离观察行星、卫星、小行星、星云和其他天体。从地球或卫星和行星上的任何理想的角度探索夜空,旅行到过去或未来,天文爱好者不要错过!


Explore space with the multiple award-winning professional planetarium software, Redshift.

View the night sky in unparalleled clarity, travel right through our galaxy and beyond, and look at planets, moons, asteroids, nebulae and other celestial bodies from close range. Explore the night sky from any desired viewpoint on the Earth or from moons and planets, travel into the past or into the future and discover first hand everything about stars, planets and other celestial bodies – Redshift introduces you to endless possibilities on your excursion through space.

Keep an eye on important celestial events with the help of the celestial calendar and experience these events simultaneously from different perspectives. Control your telescope with the help of Redshift and plan your sky observations using the individually customizable observation planner.


Redshift Premium 截图




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