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Paste for Mac 2.3 中文破解版下载 – 最好用的剪贴板增强管理工具

2018年03月15日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 1290字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,205 次

Paste 2 LOGO
今天和大家分享 Paste 2.3 中文版本,新增加了同步功能,可以和iOS版本的Paste无缝同步剪切板了,这是一款Mac上非常好的剪贴板管理工具,在各种剪切板管理工具中,论软件界面效果和华丽程度,Paste当属第一,Paste可以记录最近指定条数的剪切板信息,方便随时调用,非常不错,Mac上首选的剪切板管理工具!


Paste is a new way to copy and paste for your Mac. It keeps everything you've ever copied and lets you use your clipboard history anytime you need it.

Paste recognizes and stores text, images, links, files and any other type of content and generates informative previews for easy browsing.

Paste works in background and tightly integrates into your system and your workflow. An intuitive user interface and improved user experience allows you to focus on your core tasks and not on the application itself.

Key features:
— Extends your clipboard history capacity up to unlimited.
— Pinboards and favorite snippets.
— History management, rules and exceptions.
— Intelligent search with flexible filters.
— Quick Look preview for any type of content.
— Select and paste multiple items simultaneously.
— Drag-n-drop multiple items to any application.
— Paste plain or rich text.
— Send clipboard history to other devices via AirDrop or share with your friends.

Hi there and welcome Paste 2.3!

This update allows you to sync your clipboard history and pinboards with Paste for iOS (and surely the other way around).

We have been working hard to make it happen: rebuilt our sync engine, made 379 improvements under the hood to make Paste faster and better, carefully listened to your feedback and spent 467 hours making sure everything works flawlessly.


Paste 2 截图




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