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Disk Care 2 for Mac 破解版下载 – 优秀的磁盘优化清理工具

2018年02月11日 优化清理 ⁄ 共 544字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,159 次

Disk Care 2 LOGO
Disk Care 2 是一款Mac上优秀的磁盘优化清理工具,类似CleanMyMac,可以自动扫描磁盘,清理垃圾文件等,很不错!


Most powerful and beautiful disk space saving app on the Mac app store. Time to find you much needed space on your drive.

Disk Care 2 is better than ever! Now includes:
• Password protect Disk Care 2 or use Touch ID to allow the app to delete files
• Touch Bar and Touch ID support with the new MacBook Pro
• Now optimizes space in your potentially huge iTunes folder!

Clean & create gigabytes of unneeded and unwanted files on your drive in a few clicks.

- Disk Care 2 optimizes the following folders:
• Cache
• App Logs
• Old iOS
• Downloads
• Mail Downloads
• Mobile App Files
• Trash


Disk Care 2 截图




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