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Aurora HDR 2018 for Mac 1.1.2 破解版下载 – 强大的图片HDR特效处理工具

2018年01月07日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 965字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 751 次

Aurora HDR Pro LOGO
今天和大家分享 Aurora HDR 2018 for Mac 1.1.2 版本,这是一款Mac上强大的图片HDR特效工具,具有上百种强大的特效工具,由Macphun公司出品,通过这款软件,可以快速的为照片添加各种HDR特效,拥有强大的RAW文件处理引擎,简单易用,非常的不错!


Meet the new version of the world's best-selling HDR photo editor for Mac.
Natural or Extreme HDR - Aurora HDR is the tool of choice of professional & semi-professional photographers around the world.

Aurora HDR 2018 brings the beauty of HDR photography right to your fingertips.
It is the most advanced HDR photo editor ever created –– et the easiest-to-use software of its kind.o you can start creating fantastic photos immediately.

Aurora HDR is made in partnership with Trey Ratcliff - the world’s most popular HDR photographer.

NEW - HDR Enhancer.
Bring up the beauty of your images with a single slider. The new “HDR Enhancer” is powered by Artificial Intelligence and will dramatically improve any of your photos (without the need for dozens of other adjusters).

NEW - The most powerful tone-mapping engine.
Thanks to the new algorithm, you’ll get sharp natural results automatically without having to use additional controls or waste time waiting for the image to be processed.


Aurora HDR Pro 截图




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