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Tyme 2 for Mac 1.9.7 破解版下载 – 时间自动追踪统计管理工具

2017年12月14日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 634字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 978 次

Tyme 2 LOGO
Tyme是一款Mac上优秀的时间自动追踪管理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 1.9.7 版本,界面简洁美观,简单易用,能够自动统计和分析时间,非常不错的一款时间任务管理工具!


Tyme is a simple and effective time tracking tool for anyone who wants to keep an overview of the times they have worked.

Everything at a glance.
With Tyme, everything you need is right there. An instant overview of the times you’ve worked, your budget or deadlines.

Quick access & Autostart.
Control Tyme right from the Menubar, start timers via hotkeys and add notes to your time entries at any time. Tyme can also start automatically at system startup.

Search & Archive.
Filter your projects and tasks and move completed projects or tasks to the archive. Sort them by name, due date or by your own priorities. In Tyme, your project list never gets messy.


Tyme 2 截图




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