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DeskCover for Mac 1.2 下载 – 实用的桌面图标快速隐藏工具

2017年11月21日 系统增强 ⁄ 共 643字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,087 次

DeskCover LOGO
DeskCover 是一款Mac上实用的桌面图标快速隐藏工具,可以一键快速将屏幕隐藏,或者使用图片替代,又可以突出显示当前的窗口,很实用!


DeskCover is a simple Mac application that allows you to hide the mess on your desktop with a single mouse click or by pressing a global hotkey.

DeskCover also allows you to focus on your current task by highlighting the window of the currently active application and automatically dimming those of inactive ones.

Does the mess on your desktop constantly distract you?
Does this medley of files, icons, folders and other things hamper your work and you just don’t have time to clean it all up?
Need to write an important email or finish a report? Do you want to make a screenshot, record a screencast or make a presentation, but need to hide your documents and icons from the prying eyes?


DeskCover 截图




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