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Pixelmator for Mac 3.7 破解版下载 – 轻量级图片编辑软件

2017年10月10日 图片处理 ⁄ 共 1098字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 1,261 次

Pixelmator LOGO
今天和大家分享最新的 Pixelmator 3.7 版本,此版本完美兼容 macOS High Sierra 新系统,Pixelmator 是Mac上最好用的轻量级图片编辑软件,如果你觉得PhotoShop太臃肿和复杂,那么推荐此款图片编辑工具,软件小巧而实用,界面美观,使用方便,拥有 Photoshop 的所有常用功能,支持常见的PSD、TIFF、JPEG、PNG、PDF、EPS等图形文件格式,支持所有常用的图片处理功能,还支持Handoff 功能,可以同iPad 客户端共同使用,非常的不错!


Full-featured and powerful image editing app for the Mac.

Pixelmator takes full advantage of the latest Mac features and technologies, giving you speedy, powerful tools that let you touch up and enhance images, draw or paint, apply dazzling effects, or create advanced compositions with ease. Once your images are ready, save them to popular image formats, share them via email or social networks, print them, or instantly add them to your Photos library. All right from Pixelmator.

版本 3.7 中的新功能
Pixelmator 3.7 Mount Whitney brings full support for macOS High Sierra, adds the ability to launch Pixelmator from the Photos app and save edits back to your original image, features support for importing HEIF images, and more.

• Pixelmator is now fully compatible with macOS High Sierra.
• Launch Pixelmator directly from Photos and save your edits back to the original image in your library.
• Support for importing HEIF images.
• Improvements to the Repair Tool algorithm make the Repair Tool faster and more accurate.


Pixelmator 截图




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