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Focus for Mac 1.8.1 破解版下载 – 集中精力效率工具

2017年09月22日 办公软件 ⁄ 共 579字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 2,111 次

Focus LOGO
今天和大家分享 Focus 1.8.1 版本,Focus 是一款Mac上实用的让我们能够集中精力工作的效率工具,这款软件可以屏蔽你所指定的网站和应用,让你集中精力于相应的工作,很不错的一款效率工具!


Facebook? Reddit? IM? These services are great, but getting stuff done can be hard when they're one click away.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to quickly create your ideal work environment on your computer?

In the real world, it's easy to close the door or put on some headphones. But blocking out distractions on a computer is harder. We socialize and entertain ourselves on the same computers where we work. Interruptions make it hard to get into a state of flow.

Focus is a Mac menu-bar app that helps you find your zen. One click creates an optimal work environment.


Focus 截图




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