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InstaCal for Mac 1.4.2 破解版下载 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具

2017年08月15日 日程备忘 ⁄ 共 797字 ⁄ 字号 ⁄ 阅读 910 次

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InstaCal 是一款Mac上优秀的菜单栏日历工具,支持添加事件提醒,支持集成Google Calendar、Office 365 等,很不错!


InstaCal is the missing menu bar calendar macOS deserves. Get it now for 50% off during our launch sale!

InstaCal is an affordable, yet powerful calendar app that puts all your events right at your fingertips, always available in your Mac's menu bar. InstaCal is quick and convenient, and can be opened at any time with a configurable keyboard shortcut. From there you can view your calendar events, make changes, invite friends or even add new events. You can also see your Reminders list, and add new reminders as well as view and edit existing ones.

You can use any of the calendars added to your Mac (those available in the Calendar app) as well as adding unlimited accounts from:
- Google Calendar (view, respond to invitations, create new events and edit existing events)
- Office 365 (view and respond to invitations)
- Outlook (view and respond to invitations)


InstaCal 截图




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