Episode 是一款Mac上优秀的视频格式转换和视频压缩软件,今天和大家分享最新的 7.4 版本,这款软件支持几乎所有的视频格式,如MPEG-2 、MPEG-4 、QuickTime等,软件内置了数十种转换流程,让你能够快速的转换不同的视频格式,比如你可以选择 iPad Streaming 8 Streams 16x9 工作流,软件会自动将视频转换为适合iPad播放的视频格式,不需要你了解到底iPad能够播放什么格式,还支持实时预览,非常的好用!
Episode is a powerful cross-platform desktop media encoding application for Mac and Windows. It offers the highest quality and fastest desktop encoding for content repurposing for distribution to Web, DVD, mobile phones and portable devices. Includes: extensive format support in/out including superior quality Flash 8/9 encoding, presets and filters, watch folders, batch processing of 25 jobs and Compressor plug-in.